The beauty of nautical tourism with white sandy beaches are still clean cause a small island in the District Winner, North Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara could potentially compete with the tourist attraction in Bali. "In fact, it is not possible any time the potential of tourism beyond Bali to Gili was already famous in the world," said Vice Regent of the North Lombok H Najmul Ahyar Cape on Saturday. "We will continue to make improvements to tourism Gili Trawangan could someday exceed Bali. Currently tourist visits to the three Gili (Trawangan, Meno and Gili Air) on average 1,300 people every day, "he said.He said that the presence of Lombok International Airport (BIL), which previously had feared to lead to Gili Trawangan empty because it is far from the airport, did not prove it even more crowded otherwise. "Today many tourists who come to use speed boats from Benoa Harbour and Nusa Penida, Bali to Gili Trawangan langsun. Because of the packages to Bali, or vice versa takes only 1.5 hours, "he said. In that regard, said Najmul, it has been lobbying investors to increase sea transportation from Bali to the three Gili Gili Trawangan in particular. Currently speedboats that operate four ships per day. According to him, fast boats that serve cross Trawangan Bali are always full, because it's an opportunity to increase marine transport to track Trawangan-Bali is still open.About the existence of the port that is now being built in Ward, District Winner, Najmul said that the ship will come dar Bali should be anchored in Port Ward, then the passengers continued their trip by a small motor boat. So far, all the ships that take tourists directly anchored in Sydney, so it does not just affect the issues revenue (PAD), but also concerns the circulation of illicit goods, such drugs will go to Gili Trawangan tourist attraction, "he said. Concern that, according to Najmul, grounded because there was no checkpoint, when passengers get off at Trawangan there are no checks. "We expect this with the Port Ward will be more orderly, because there was no seizure of passengers, increase the PAD dab is no less important is to minimize the entry and circulation of illicit goods in the sights," he said.
Sources: Wow, can emulate The beauty of North Bali Lombok

Lombok, Nirwana Dekat Pulau Dewata
Posted: 13 Aug 2012 11:48 PM PDT

Bali belum kehabisan pesona, tapi sebagian orang sudah mulai jenuh dengan hiruk pikuk, kemacetan dan padatnya pulau itu. Lombok pun menjadi pelarian. Keindahannya sama seperti Bali, tapi suasananya lebih sepi. Dalam banyak hal, Lombok adalah padanan dari Bali. Pantai berpasir putih menghampar dalam garis yang panjang di Senggigi. Ombak bergulung siap menantang para surfer yang berani datang ke Pantai Kuta Lombok dan Pantai Mawun. Terumbu karang dan aneka ikan cantik menghiasi dasar laut tiga Gili: Gili Air, Gili Meno dan Gili Trawangan. Pun begitu jika menyelami Lombok ke tengah pulau. Kalau Bali punya Gunung Agung, maka Lombok punya Gunung Rinjani yang lebih tinggi dan gagah. Kalau Bali punya Pura Besakih yang besar dan megah, Lombok pun punya Pura Lingsar. Ayam Taliwang khas Lombok, boleh diadu rasanya dengan Ayam Betutu khas Bali.
Yang membuat Lombok unggul atas Bali, justru karena pulau ini lebih sepi dan tenang. Siapa sih yang tidak ingin liburan dengan suasana santai dan nyaman. Satu hal lagi, dan ini sering menjadi bahan candaan, Lombok lebih hebat karena punya juga pantai bernama Kuta. Sedangkan, Bali tidak punya pantai bernama Senggigi.
Pamor Lombok terus naik, dan pemerintah pun tampaknya serius membangun pulau ini. Proyek infrastruktur besar-besaran dimulai untuk memompa pariwisata di Lombok. Bandara Internasional Lombok yang lebih modern pun sudah dibuka menggantikan Bandara Selaparang. Kawasan wisata terpadu Mandalika sudah mulai dibangun dengan nilai investasi Rp 27 triliun. Ini tidak main-main!
Semua berkeinginan, aneka pembangunan ini akan membuat wisatawan dalam dan luar negeri lebih mudah untuk traveling ke Lombok. Sebaliknya, segala pesona Lombok diharapkan tetap sama dan apa adanya, tidak berubah gara-gara pembangunan ini.
Lombok membuka pintu untuk semua pencari alam surgawi dari berbagai pelosok jagat. Ayo berkemas, siapkan kacamata hitam dan sunblock. Let’s go beyond Bali!
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